Wednesday, 21 February 2007

Gold Finch & The First Day of the Spring Festival


从前邻居的花园里经常聚居着一群金翅雀,它们个头不大,性格温顺,红颊白颈,黑色尾羽上配着金黄色的一圈,实在惹人喜爱。尽管我们的花园里也鸟语不断,蓝冠山雀,知更鸟,黑山鸟和松鸦等等络绎不绝, 还有热带的长尾小鹦鹉光临,更不用说随处可见的喜鹊和斑尾林鸽了,但从来没有得到过金翅雀的垂青。我问邻居奶奶有什么秘诀,她很爽快地告诉我:蓟花籽啊!金翅雀最喜欢蓟花籽。然后还很热心地告诉我在哪里能买到:附近的某某花木中心就有卖的。于是我便兴冲冲地去买了蓟花籽,放在新的鸟食筒里挂在树上,然后心满意足地等着做姜太公,愿者来食。可是,几个星期过去了,没有等到金翅雀的光临,却等到了让我们搬离的通知。一通忙乱,最后搬走之前,我没有忘记从树上摘下蓟花籽筒,带到了新家。把雀食带过来,也不知道能不能吸引到附近的金翅雀,不过总是要尝试一下罗。

I used to envy an old neighbour's garden: it always has them colourful gold finches in it. They have red cheeks, white collar, and a golden yellow band on their tail wings, guaranteed to provide colour for the winter garden. They have a mild temper too and don't normally fly away when she takes pictures quite close. We didn't use to have any gold finch in our garden, although there were enough shelter and food around and plenty of blue tit, great tit, robin, black bird, parakeet etc., around, occasionally a pair of Jay too. So I asked her one day, what's the secret of attracting gold finches. Oh, thistle seeds, she said, they definitely love thistle seeds! You can get them in the garden centre nearby you know, she helpfully added. Always in hope, we went along to the garden centre in the soonest opportunity, bought some magic seeds and feeders, started the experiment.

However, a few weeks had passed and no gold finch but a notice to leave letter had arrived at our door. It was sad to leave, especially without the gold finches, but I made sure I took the seeds with me to the new house.



House hunting followed by packing followed by moving followed by unpacking, etc. I hanged out a few feeders on the trees in the new garden and these have soon attracted robins and tits around (the robins are especially fond of the fat balls) but the thistle seeds were still left un-touched.


Soon the year of the dog was saying goodbye and celebration for the golden pig was in order. The first day of the Spring Festival and the Pig, I was doing the usual 2 minutes gazing at the feeders and thinking of the things to do: fireworks, Chunlian, etc. There were the usual two chubby Robins and tits around. But what was that little red dot doing there? It's a chubby one, some red on it's head, white strip on neck, yellow in the tail... Grab the binocular and the AA field book -- it's "unmistakably" the gold finch! Aha, we've made the grade! Thanks neighbour, thanks golden pig! Look! there's another one coming, pecking away with the chubby one, like two toy chicken on a seesaw. They are much more relaxed than the blue tits, pecking up to 5 minutes at the feeder at one time, without even much of a look-out gesture. We soon saw a third gold finch and there's sometimes a friction brewing because there are only two "seats" on the feeder. Maybe we just need to get another feeder. And a bird house too, maybe? Oh a long lense too while we are at it, for taking pictures of our birds?

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