Tuesday, 27 February 2007
Lonicera fragrantissima 郁香忍冬
年三十在Wisley看到的郁香忍冬。忍冬,又称金银花,原产中国,花和叶入中药,英文俗称honeysuckle。全世界有一百八十多种种类,中国有超过一百种。郁香忍冬,冬天开花,花香浓郁,英文俗称winter honeysuckle, breath of spring。
Lonicera fragrantissima, 郁香忍冬 or winter honeysuckle, belongs to the honey suckle family (Caprifoliaceae). This picture was taken in RHSwisley last week. It was in flower and giving wonderful scent. The honeysuckles 忍冬 originated in China and there are more than 180 species worldwide and more than 100 in China. The leaves, stems and later on flowers of the plant have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for more than one thousand years and are still been used now. Some species of the honeysuckles have been a problem as invasive weeds in some parts of northen America but similar problem have not been reported in the UK.
A revision of plant classification learned in school:
Classification of Lonicera fragrantissima
界 Kingdon : Plants 植物界
亚界 Subkingdon: Vascular plants 维管植物亚界
上门 Superdivision: Seed plants 种子植物上门
门 Division: Flowering plants开花植物门
纲 Class : Dicotyledons 双子叶植物纲
目 Order: Asteridae 菊目
科 Family: Dipsacales 川续断科
属 Genus : Honeysuckle (Caprifoliaceae) 金银花属
种 Species : Lonicera fragrantissima 郁香忍冬
参考 Reference:
USDA Plant Profile
Monday, 26 February 2007
White Heather
I heard that white heather brings good luck. Hope the many white heather in the garden bring us good lucks for the new year.
Half empty feeder 吃食机器
The goldfinches in our garden took only three days from discovering this feeder packed full with thristle seeds to half empty, and another two days to completely empty it! They have got a new name: pecking machine.
We are getting another one of these to feeders to satisfy these peckers..
我给金翅雀们起了新的名字:吃食机器 。它们自初一那天发现它们的喂食器后,只用了三天时间就吃成了这样,只用了五天时间就把整个喂食器吃了个精光光。按最新统计,经常来光顾这个喂食器的金翅雀就有五只,时不常为了抢位而打起来。看来只有弄个新的喂食器才能满足这些吃食机器的胃口了。
Friday, 23 February 2007
初一吃饺子,初四吃馄饨 Wonton for Wonderful Festival
俗话说得好: 初一吃饺子,初四吃馄饨。
Had wonton for the 4th day of the festival
Delicious ravioli-like parcel, could be boiled, steamed, deep fried.
Bought the wonton pastry from a Chinese market
Lean beef mince
Chinese leaf; Chinese dry mushroom (shiitake); water chestnut; root ginger, a little piece; salad onion, a few
finally chopped or blend in blender
add olive oil, sesame oil, soy sauce
mix well with mince beef
Boil for about 3min in plenty of water
Soy sauce, chilli sauce, finely chopped spring orion and coriander
Had wonton for the 4th day of the festival
Delicious ravioli-like parcel, could be boiled, steamed, deep fried.
Bought the wonton pastry from a Chinese market
Lean beef mince
Chinese leaf; Chinese dry mushroom (shiitake); water chestnut; root ginger, a little piece; salad onion, a few
finally chopped or blend in blender
add olive oil, sesame oil, soy sauce
mix well with mince beef
Boil for about 3min in plenty of water
Soy sauce, chilli sauce, finely chopped spring orion and coriander
Wednesday, 21 February 2007
Gold Finch & The First Day of the Spring Festival
从前邻居的花园里经常聚居着一群金翅雀,它们个头不大,性格温顺,红颊白颈,黑色尾羽上配着金黄色的一圈,实在惹人喜爱。尽管我们的花园里也鸟语不断,蓝冠山雀,知更鸟,黑山鸟和松鸦等等络绎不绝, 还有热带的长尾小鹦鹉光临,更不用说随处可见的喜鹊和斑尾林鸽了,但从来没有得到过金翅雀的垂青。我问邻居奶奶有什么秘诀,她很爽快地告诉我:蓟花籽啊!金翅雀最喜欢蓟花籽。然后还很热心地告诉我在哪里能买到:附近的某某花木中心就有卖的。于是我便兴冲冲地去买了蓟花籽,放在新的鸟食筒里挂在树上,然后心满意足地等着做姜太公,愿者来食。可是,几个星期过去了,没有等到金翅雀的光临,却等到了让我们搬离的通知。一通忙乱,最后搬走之前,我没有忘记从树上摘下蓟花籽筒,带到了新家。把雀食带过来,也不知道能不能吸引到附近的金翅雀,不过总是要尝试一下罗。
I used to envy an old neighbour's garden: it always has them colourful gold finches in it. They have red cheeks, white collar, and a golden yellow band on their tail wings, guaranteed to provide colour for the winter garden. They have a mild temper too and don't normally fly away when she takes pictures quite close. We didn't use to have any gold finch in our garden, although there were enough shelter and food around and plenty of blue tit, great tit, robin, black bird, parakeet etc., around, occasionally a pair of Jay too. So I asked her one day, what's the secret of attracting gold finches. Oh, thistle seeds, she said, they definitely love thistle seeds! You can get them in the garden centre nearby you know, she helpfully added. Always in hope, we went along to the garden centre in the soonest opportunity, bought some magic seeds and feeders, started the experiment.
However, a few weeks had passed and no gold finch but a notice to leave letter had arrived at our door. It was sad to leave, especially without the gold finches, but I made sure I took the seeds with me to the new house.
House hunting followed by packing followed by moving followed by unpacking, etc. I hanged out a few feeders on the trees in the new garden and these have soon attracted robins and tits around (the robins are especially fond of the fat balls) but the thistle seeds were still left un-touched.
Soon the year of the dog was saying goodbye and celebration for the golden pig was in order. The first day of the Spring Festival and the Pig, I was doing the usual 2 minutes gazing at the feeders and thinking of the things to do: fireworks, Chunlian, etc. There were the usual two chubby Robins and tits around. But what was that little red dot doing there? It's a chubby one, some red on it's head, white strip on neck, yellow in the tail... Grab the binocular and the AA field book -- it's "unmistakably" the gold finch! Aha, we've made the grade! Thanks neighbour, thanks golden pig! Look! there's another one coming, pecking away with the chubby one, like two toy chicken on a seesaw. They are much more relaxed than the blue tits, pecking up to 5 minutes at the feeder at one time, without even much of a look-out gesture. We soon saw a third gold finch and there's sometimes a friction brewing because there are only two "seats" on the feeder. Maybe we just need to get another feeder. And a bird house too, maybe? Oh a long lense too while we are at it, for taking pictures of our birds?
Tuesday, 20 February 2007
狗年大年卅,补记 Chinese New Year's Eve
RHS Wisley
Angela's Kitchen
大年三十是周六,兴奋。可是找不到人一起吃年饭,郁闷!决定去RHS Wisley植物园,就当作是看花街。
Chinese New Year's eve is Saturday, great! Couldn't even find someone to have the big banquet with though, depressing! That's how I started the last day of the year of the dog. Finally, I decided to go to RHS Wisley with aniu, maybe we can pretend its the festival flower street in guangzhou (dream on baby).
First time in Wisley also we live nearby, it's busy even this time of year! I joined as a member, got £5 voucher and Grow Your Own Veg thrown in, bargain.
三九天气,盛放的只有雪滴子,番红花,黄水仙。熟悉的香气时常袭来,是原产中国的腊梅, 是家的味道。很多紫藤,虽然只剩下光枝,但枝藤舒展,修剪设计得很美,暮春时节应该是胜景。
The weather's so cold and miserable, thankfully we have snowdrops, crocus and early daffodils to cheer us up. This one, with green heart on the white petals, is particularly pretty, no wonder the RHS magazine The Garden used it as cover for Februrary. There's also a popular Paper Brush tree from China (some kind of Chimonanthus) giving a most wonderful scent, reminds me of home... Didn't know bare branches of wisteria could be so beautiful. So many wisteria too, I could imaging the colour and scent in April already.
Maybe that's the best thing about Winter, you could always imagine Spring.
The place is vast and we only covered a quarter of the land in 2 hours before the garden is closed. We'll be back, that's the plan.
Rang home to say new year's wishes, mum and dad said they miss me and wish I was there, friends are on their way to the Flower St, the fireworks, or watching telly at home, enjoying the atmosphere. First time in then years the ban for fireworks has been lifted, should be a lot of fun.
We've decided to go to Angela's Kitchen as my usual new year's eve banquet is losing its hostess this year and Angela's is just about the best SiChuan restaurant in London. I could be in any of the many SiChuan restaurants in Shenzhen, I thought when I first come across this place. Anyway, most of the Chinese joints in London are just not worth going as they are all the same, the same menu, the same dish, as reliable and boring as McDonalds although they are not all owned by one giant.
It seems lots of people are feeling the same way about picking the place for their festival gathering tonight, we were almost instantly turned away at the door as we didn't have a booking, being disorganised ourselves, but luckily had a table to share in the end. Two Chinese girls sat at the other end of the same table, so it's not only me who could't find more people to spend tonight with then, I was thinging to myself, feeling a bit better already.
A great meal, bags to take away for tomorrow, a postprandial stroll through IKEA. Perfect way to end the last day of the year of the dog. There's also fireworks to look forward to tomorrow in the garden, and ChunLian to be practised.
Happy Piggy Year
Angela's Kitchen
大年三十是周六,兴奋。可是找不到人一起吃年饭,郁闷!决定去RHS Wisley植物园,就当作是看花街。
Chinese New Year's eve is Saturday, great! Couldn't even find someone to have the big banquet with though, depressing! That's how I started the last day of the year of the dog. Finally, I decided to go to RHS Wisley with aniu, maybe we can pretend its the festival flower street in guangzhou (dream on baby).
First time in Wisley also we live nearby, it's busy even this time of year! I joined as a member, got £5 voucher and Grow Your Own Veg thrown in, bargain.
三九天气,盛放的只有雪滴子,番红花,黄水仙。熟悉的香气时常袭来,是原产中国的腊梅, 是家的味道。很多紫藤,虽然只剩下光枝,但枝藤舒展,修剪设计得很美,暮春时节应该是胜景。
The weather's so cold and miserable, thankfully we have snowdrops, crocus and early daffodils to cheer us up. This one, with green heart on the white petals, is particularly pretty, no wonder the RHS magazine The Garden used it as cover for Februrary. There's also a popular Paper Brush tree from China (some kind of Chimonanthus) giving a most wonderful scent, reminds me of home... Didn't know bare branches of wisteria could be so beautiful. So many wisteria too, I could imaging the colour and scent in April already.
Maybe that's the best thing about Winter, you could always imagine Spring.
The place is vast and we only covered a quarter of the land in 2 hours before the garden is closed. We'll be back, that's the plan.
Rang home to say new year's wishes, mum and dad said they miss me and wish I was there, friends are on their way to the Flower St, the fireworks, or watching telly at home, enjoying the atmosphere. First time in then years the ban for fireworks has been lifted, should be a lot of fun.
We've decided to go to Angela's Kitchen as my usual new year's eve banquet is losing its hostess this year and Angela's is just about the best SiChuan restaurant in London. I could be in any of the many SiChuan restaurants in Shenzhen, I thought when I first come across this place. Anyway, most of the Chinese joints in London are just not worth going as they are all the same, the same menu, the same dish, as reliable and boring as McDonalds although they are not all owned by one giant.
It seems lots of people are feeling the same way about picking the place for their festival gathering tonight, we were almost instantly turned away at the door as we didn't have a booking, being disorganised ourselves, but luckily had a table to share in the end. Two Chinese girls sat at the other end of the same table, so it's not only me who could't find more people to spend tonight with then, I was thinging to myself, feeling a bit better already.
A great meal, bags to take away for tomorrow, a postprandial stroll through IKEA. Perfect way to end the last day of the year of the dog. There's also fireworks to look forward to tomorrow in the garden, and ChunLian to be practised.
Happy Piggy Year
Angela's Kitchen,
Chinese New Year,
RHS Wisley,
New Year, New Home, New Blog
It's been a month since the last entry to my little diary about the little island and also a month since the house move. A New Year has started, a new house moved in, a new diary is in order.
A Story about Eucalyptus
It was about a year ago in a massage house in China I first notice the plant Eucalyptus as the ladies were recommending a Eucalyptus massage oil. No one could tell me what the plant was or what does it look like. So I was curious and made a mental note. Soon enough, I had the first encounter with this visitor from thousands of miles away. We were out house-hunting at the time. The first house we visited had some complicated layout and a big garden that's backing to a greenbelt. It also had a good-sized inner courtyard. It didn't have any oriental object like a pagoda or anything but reminded me of traditional Chinese SiHeYuan courtyards, maybe because they way it was surrounded by other parts of the building but at the same time was spacious. A handsome, medium height and not very wide tree with dark green leaves, smooth silver grey and peeling bark grew in the courtyard. The old lady of the house told me it was Eucalyptus. She also told me that she used to put the peels of the bark in the fire in winter and the the whole house would then be filled with the wonderful Eucalyptus scent. We didn't go for the house in the end for some reason or another but the Eucalyptus and the Chinese courtyard had engraved in my memory.
后来又偶然看到David Attenborough的《行星地球》,原来尤加利是地球上最高的树木之一,只有加州红杉能预知移交高低。最让人惊叹的却是它们丢车保帅的魄力,为了下一代树种的树种得以存活,竟然能利用树油高温干燥环境下易燃的特性,成年树木集体自焚,当然也烧掉周边一切,而早播下的树种发挥快速成长的特性,迅速占领所有地盘,就此独领风骚又五百年!。。。听起来很有些自杀炸弹的恐怖意思。。。
The next time I heard about it was on the Planet Earth programme. It says Eucalyptus is the tallest tree on Earth, with only the California Red Wood to compete with. The
most extraordinary thing is, however, that the way the Eucalyptus deal with survival competition: by self-starting a forest fire, using their own oil, to eliminate all the competitors, burning themselves along the way. The Eucalyptus seeds, which won't germinate without sunlight, then grow with incomparable speed, soon colonise the new forest. What a tree!
I was having a bad cold when we came and view the house and didn't going the garden properly. So it was a nice suprise when I saw the Eucalyptus in the new garden the morning after the move. It is handsome with dark leaves even in this weather, reaching for the sky. I collected some of its peels, emagining what it will be like to put them in bonefires.
想为新博起个头,越扯越远了。可能是因为对原产地远在南半球的澳洲的尤加利却跑到这个北温带国家来生养安息,感觉有点自作多情的惺惺相惜吧, 也许我们应该养只考拉!原来想说的是,猪年大吉,猪事顺利!拜年啰!
It's a story of the new garden, new blog and the new year. Happy Piggy Year.
It's been a month since the last entry to my little diary about the little island and also a month since the house move. A New Year has started, a new house moved in, a new diary is in order.
A Story about Eucalyptus
It was about a year ago in a massage house in China I first notice the plant Eucalyptus as the ladies were recommending a Eucalyptus massage oil. No one could tell me what the plant was or what does it look like. So I was curious and made a mental note. Soon enough, I had the first encounter with this visitor from thousands of miles away. We were out house-hunting at the time. The first house we visited had some complicated layout and a big garden that's backing to a greenbelt. It also had a good-sized inner courtyard. It didn't have any oriental object like a pagoda or anything but reminded me of traditional Chinese SiHeYuan courtyards, maybe because they way it was surrounded by other parts of the building but at the same time was spacious. A handsome, medium height and not very wide tree with dark green leaves, smooth silver grey and peeling bark grew in the courtyard. The old lady of the house told me it was Eucalyptus. She also told me that she used to put the peels of the bark in the fire in winter and the the whole house would then be filled with the wonderful Eucalyptus scent. We didn't go for the house in the end for some reason or another but the Eucalyptus and the Chinese courtyard had engraved in my memory.
后来又偶然看到David Attenborough的《行星地球》,原来尤加利是地球上最高的树木之一,只有加州红杉能预知移交高低。最让人惊叹的却是它们丢车保帅的魄力,为了下一代树种的树种得以存活,竟然能利用树油高温干燥环境下易燃的特性,成年树木集体自焚,当然也烧掉周边一切,而早播下的树种发挥快速成长的特性,迅速占领所有地盘,就此独领风骚又五百年!。。。听起来很有些自杀炸弹的恐怖意思。。。
The next time I heard about it was on the Planet Earth programme. It says Eucalyptus is the tallest tree on Earth, with only the California Red Wood to compete with. The
most extraordinary thing is, however, that the way the Eucalyptus deal with survival competition: by self-starting a forest fire, using their own oil, to eliminate all the competitors, burning themselves along the way. The Eucalyptus seeds, which won't germinate without sunlight, then grow with incomparable speed, soon colonise the new forest. What a tree!
I was having a bad cold when we came and view the house and didn't going the garden properly. So it was a nice suprise when I saw the Eucalyptus in the new garden the morning after the move. It is handsome with dark leaves even in this weather, reaching for the sky. I collected some of its peels, emagining what it will be like to put them in bonefires.
想为新博起个头,越扯越远了。可能是因为对原产地远在南半球的澳洲的尤加利却跑到这个北温带国家来生养安息,感觉有点自作多情的惺惺相惜吧, 也许我们应该养只考拉!原来想说的是,猪年大吉,猪事顺利!拜年啰!
It's a story of the new garden, new blog and the new year. Happy Piggy Year.
Chinese New Year,
first weeks,
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